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Comment Gallery

Why a Gallery?

These are just a few examples of some negative memes and comments seen on popular social media sites like Tumblr, Facebook, and YouTube and how people have reacted positively to them. I tried to keep these users anonymous in order to protect their online identity, but I reported the trackable comments/posts to the sites in question. Please be advised that some of these comments are very cruel and may trigger a few users to react. I hope that instead of outrage, we reach a better, more positive understanding between everyone involved. Rather than get angry, take positive action against these comments, like these individuals have done.
  • "When amanda todd comes trick or treating at your door"
















  • Sourced from Facebook regarding the case of Amanda Todd.

Negative Post
Negative Post
  • "Unless you have a chemical imbalance or suffering from trauma, I think depressed people are selfish. It's all about them as if everyone in the world hasn't experienced depression. Not only is it selfish, you mentally tormenting your friends or families when you say you want to kill yourself etc."


  • Sourced from YouTube on the "How To Help Someone That Is Depressed" video.

Positive Action
  • Why This Post Is Negative: The post mocks a young woman's suicide, inadvertently stating that they want them dead. I saw it as the continuation of the cyberbullying that affected this young woman, eventually causing her death.


  • Action I Took: I anonymously reported activity to Facebook as depicting suicide and/or personal harm. I decided the best course would be to have the site review post and see what's wrong with it. They will also reach out to the person who posted the photo/comment and ask them if everything is ok and if they need help. I thought that was fitting, considering the individual thought it fitting to mock someone's suicide. 

Positive Action
  • Why This Post Was Negative: Although this is a rather mild comment for YouTube it still mocks deptression and suicide ideation. By saying negative things involving the selfishness and cruelty of the depressed. It continues the myth that depression is lazy selfishness and suicide ideation is attention seeking.


  • Action I Took: I reported the activity to YouTube under the 'Harrassment and/or Bullying' tab. I understand that this comment wasn't directed at anyone in particular, and that's why I chose to use it. It's an example of an uneducated perspective on depression, which should be addressed in our society.

Now for Something Positive...

Here are some examples of positive coments posted on the same site. The purpose of this site is to recognoize positive chaneg in the way the suicide prevention community is seen, and frankly, there's quite a lot of it out there. For all of the bad, there's way more good in the world, and I believe it's important to remember that.

Comments from 'Teens React to Bullying (Amanda Todd)"- YouTube

  • "Poor Amanda :( I would help her and be there for her!"

  • "Wow I know we make mistakes and hers is very serious and I'm sorry this happend to you and who ever that guy is I hope you're in jail cause you just killed a innocent  beautiful young- girl she didn't kill herself"

  • "It is important to stay strong. People love you, even when it seems like you have no one, you really do. There is no reason for anyone to degrade another person."

  • "Those who are bullied, stay strong. Don't let someone's opinion destroy who you want to be or who you are right now."

After Looking Up 'Suicide' on Tumblr

  • Support can make a huge difference when someone is hitting a rough patch. Why wait until then to let your friends know you’ll be there? Take a stand for Mental Health Awareness and tag someone you care about..."

  • "Communicate. That’s the biggest and best first thing you can ever do. Whether it be with a teacher, sibling, friend, parent or even a counselor. Being able to communicate is the first step to your life getting better."

  • "While bullying doesn’t cause suicide, a stressful environment and persistent, emotional victimization can increase a person’s risk of suicide."

  • "Speak Up. Reach Out."

After Looking Up #suicide on Twitter

  • "#suicide isn't a bad word. we need to talk about it openly so that deaths by suicide can be prevented."

  • "#Suicide is a public health problem. How can a health system help get to zero suicides?"

  • "I'm a #suicide attempt survivor. Now finishing my degree, mama-ing to my 8yo, and ONLY got through it bc I was treated like a person."

  • "This is another face of #suicide Bullying convinced her of her worthlessness. She was just a kid."

  • "Suicide breaks my heart. No one should ever feel like that's the only way out. #suicide."

  • "#Suicide is not forever unl'ess you do it This too will pass. Hang on!

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